Tesla's system for transformation DC/AC can be use for plasma production.
Plasma with aluminium electrodes in water, can extract hidrogen. Al2O3 and H2 is create.
For production of 1 kg of aluminium is use about 15 kWh energy.
About 10 kg of aluminium, and some water, can be energy source for car. No CO2 emision. Al2O3 can be reuse.
Hall-Heroult process (which is most used for production of aluminum) must be improved. It is CO2 generator, and it is C consumer.
We must try to found electrode which is resistant on oxygen (O2), or some other process. And compressing of oxygen for industrial purpose could be use.
And car engine must have greatest efficiency (use heat converter too?)
Withouth that improvement, this car system will be hard to implement.
You can see 'Nikola Tesla's proposal for production Fe and Al': 12
This is clasical use...
But, I would like to know, what can be if deuterium (D2) is here? We will have high plasma with D2.
Is it posible for make helium? End energy, of course...
Two atom of hidrogen are close, and plasma energy can be high.
Can it be more than easy hidrogen production? Cold fusion, maybe?
I can't tell you, because I have not deuterium source...
FIRE FROM SALT WATER (just an interesting info):
This is new (patented) system from John Kanzius discovery (cancer researcher). Salt water in high frequency field, can crack water to H2 and O2. Simply and beautiful electrolysis. I am fascinated with this discovery. I don't know detail, but generator is around Tesla transformer frequency, and around 1 KW power for test tube flame. Electricity can be convert directly to fire. Like Tesla's proposal for make aluminum.
This is idea for water switching system with DC battery input. Mechanical switching is the most common (electronic is best approach, but with high cost), and when switch is on, DC current going through induction coil. It is for magnetic accumulation of energy, and when switch going off, self induction give spark bettween switch electrodes (high voltage with self induction). Idea is when DC high current going through switch, water make H2 and O2, and current stop because of this gases. Spark come between electrodes and fire H2 and O2 to water. And this process repeat. This is just an idea, and need real testing. This switch could be different design of course. Electrodes must be oxygen resistant (stainless steel). For highest current through water, some standard electrolyte additive can be used. I didn't test this switch yet, but it will be simplest form of switching, for high power conversion DC buttery power to Tesla's high frequency and high voltage.
This is simple spiral coil design high frequency transformer. Primar is made with Cu pipe with N=1, and on its circular form it has few plastic frame with holes for driver coil. From middle of that circuit going nylon strings. Another nylon string (up/down) could fix spiral Cu wire. Only Cu pipe, few plastic frames ( with holes ) around that pipes and one in the middle of spiral, fishing nylon strings, and two diameters wires (for 'driver' part wire with great diameter, and for inside spiral part with low diameter wire), can build simple Tesla's transformer. For some details or explanation you can see in Tesla's transformer pages on this web.
I put this high power electrolyzer here, because it has something with water. Maximum current through water is limited with capacitor (20 uF - 60 uF for few kW of power). Xc=1/(2*PI*f*C) is capacity resistant. Current is I=U/Xc. It is maximum current because of approximation (is resistant through water is zero, but it is not). This could be use for some welding purpose, in real-time application, because of danger mix of H and O. All stuff must be from good insulation material. Don't forget that it is electric and chemical danger machine. I put plates in some bevel, and this is important for good work. It is important differency from other design. All electronic can be put in bottom place of machine. If that HHO exist (from some unproved theory) this design is good for that creation. I can't test that physical property.
Lithium is third element (after H and He), and this chargable battery is future for electric car technology. Light and powerful battery from A123 is perfect solution. That little battery can give around 70 A of current. And it is safe. I put here that idea for this pipe design charger. About 18 of this battery can go inside some pipe, and this can be easy for replacement (after 10 years of use). With 4 pipes of around 1 m is need for 220 V system, and 2 for 110 V. Of course, parallel design is possible for greatest capacity. Some electronic switch for stoping charging is need (voltage measurement with triac or relay switch). With parallel capacitor switching, can change charging current limit. Three similar system can be use for 3-phase source of power. Another interesting battery is Toshiba ScIB, based on titanium. It can have 6000 cycles.
Importand update:
I am investigate details of electrolyte for electrolysis. I thought that using baking soda is best solution, but I found that is not. It can release CO2, CO, and destroy electrodes. I found another chemical: Potassium carbonate (K2CO3). It is old chemical from heating wood ash (Pearl Ash). It was used for production of soap. Today is made from another process and it is white solid. Experiment with "cold fusion" has that chemical in hard water. You can update this thoughts in every page that I mention baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and replace it with this choice.
I am investigate details of electrolyte for electrolysis. I thought that using baking soda is best solution, but I found that is not. It can release CO2, CO, and destroy electrodes. I foud another chemical: Potassium carbonate (K2CO3). It is old chemical from heating wood ash (Pearl Ash). It was used for production of soap. Today is made from another process and it is white solid. Experiment with "cold fusion" has that chemical in hard water. You can update this thoughts in every page that I mention baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and replace it with this choice.
Using zinc for extracting hydrogen from water is better choice than aluminum. Principle is the same like in aluminum sparking system. I see lot of investigation in that direction on internet, because zinc can became interesting battery with oxygen on other electrode. ZnO is output of this chemistry. Question is which way is batter? Chemical with KOH, or that plasma with spark with not danger water? If we need reacting force, hydrogen is better choice. Tesla's rotating engine is good choice with that system too. With electric motor car, that Zn - air battery option is prefer.
But why is zinc better than aluminum? Because of recycling of ZnO (zinc oxide). Zinc can be make with transforming ZnO with H2SO4 to ZnSO4, and than with some electrolyzing system, extract Zn from solution (this is only one way). It need electric current (wind, solar...), and it can be storage system. Windmill or solar can transform ZnO for storage purposes. Some scientists experiment with high solar energy concentration and extraction zinc from ZnO with heat (thay use coal, and CO2 byproduct). Zinc is better choice because of that easiest extraction from ZnO. Zinc oxide has some other interesting properties. It is semiconductor, piezoelectric, transparent film (Al dopped), it can have some fluorescence properties. It is holy grail. Maybe some simple solar cell production? Like Tesla plate - ground capacitor system? Tesla did not say what is that insulation on elevated plate. Is it some oxide layer? If electron particle is blast from plate, it need some protection layer for protection of electron coming back. TiO, ZnO, CuO? I try with CuO, and it was improve charging of capacitor, but after some time it became black (self air oxidation), and charging was stop. I think, that this Tesla's system need some stable oxide layer. ZnO has problem with water. Maybe some combination? Lot of internet replica of that plate-solar system has plastic insulation, or without insulation. And low energy charging. How can electron pass through plastic? I think that oxide layer is only choice. Plate without insulation can not be good, because electron recombination. But here I talk about zinc. Keep in mind that Zn is 2, and O is 6, and ZnO is 2/6 combination which is 4 (semiconductor). Old 1.5 V battery has zinc box. Zinc is cheap, and perfect. Who know what possibility has this metal, which is unknown? It can possible be best than lithium technology. Interesting zinc combination is with nickel. ZnNi battery has nice properties, better than NiCd or NiMH.
Because lot of nuclear power plant has earthquake problem if don't have electrical energy, I suggest using gravitational field force and secure pipes design for separation of nuclear fuel. Fuel need to be like ball modules. Picture can say more... Of course, use Thorium like nuclear fuel is secure way for nuclear plant, and "cold" nuclear fusion of Helium (Plasma with aluminum in water?) maybe will be another option for future...
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