Magnets in pyramide formation, can be use for magnet linear movement.
Forces in input and output places is in oposite direction against direction in pyramids.
Before magnet go out, must be mecanicaly moved on next pyramide blocks of magnets (left/right move, not on picture).
Is posible get more energy with forward movement, than its left/right movement?
If left/right movement use less energy, maybe is posible perpetual motion.
My home build prototype is only with hand left/right movement (and It work, but I can't mesure hand force).
It is mechanicaly too hard for me, for build this type of machine, where this movement is automatic.
I think it is expencive source of energy, but maybe (if exist) long last energy source.
Compression of air (heat pump) is best approach, I think (air around us is high energy solar source). But who know if this is maybe perpetual?
This is picture of left/right movement. If energy for that gap is less than for linear movement on pyramids, maybe overunity is possible.
This is simplest form with movement in one direction and back in opposite direction. This is done with reverse direction on magnets, when building pyramid formation. I build pyramid with little square magnets and with tape. If that 'opposite' pyramid design are put together, they naturally attract each other. Some PVC barrier can be in between (not in ends because of need for left/right movement through gap). Gap on the ends is 'enemy' for perpetual motion and need some energy. Using some coil magnetic field in opposite direction on moving magnet, can temporally cancel its field, and that gap will temporally disappear. When left/right movement was done, that current can be recycle in high frequency form. Possible help with permanent magnets on the ends are possible too. Maybe some pendulum design will work with some mechanical or magnetic reflector for its left/right movement on that gap is possible.
This design is build with four pyramid magnets form, and has four gaps on place where moving magnet change direction. Hardest thing for this kind of machine is building bearing stuff for moving magnet with low friction. For that reason all of this is just mind design. It is just hard without good laboratory team, and only with home stuff. If you have some possibility for do some design on this principles, I would like to know the results. Of course, another square form in third dimension (above first one which I explain) is natural choice. Moving magnets must have some chain path design with throw in place where square ends.
This circular design is hardest to build. It has more option. One of them is moving magnets left/right ( little movement if circle is with great radius ). It could be like bicycle wheel with left/right moving bars. It need some slide for left/right path. Pyramid magnets on circle define that path. Gap on that kind of design is less than other, because of movement is little left or right. This design need improvement, but I have good feeling. I am build something similar but with hand movement, and that gap was so low and easy to overcome.
If we put some magnet in middle of rotor blade between two magnets in reflected direction between them, we can define circular path around with desired left/right movement. Middle magnet will flying between that path and it will follow that left/right movement which we need without friction. If we have two exact part of that magnetic motor on the same shaft (another is in middle of pyramid when first is on gap), it will improve passage through gap. More than two pair on the same shaft will improve magnetic power. This is my mind (theoretical) design. I would like to know if this could work... My income from this web and from my life work, are not enough for building it.
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